
Friday, January 23, 2009

No Blog Zone

Welcome to the no blog zone. That's where I'm living right now. Besides not having anything to really talk about, I find myself with little time to put my thoughts together and form a post. I don't know about y'all - but it takes me forevah to write a post.

And, now (literally, in 10 minutes) I'm off to Austin for a soccer tournament with Josh's team. Go Celtic 96!!! More than the soccer that I {heart} so dearly, it's going to be warm. I'm so excited about that. I think it's going to be in the 30's here! I painted my toes, packed my flip flops and I'm ready to go. Oh yeah, and the sunscreen. I am the one that will burn in January!!

I'll be back and ready to gab on Monday. It's been strange not visiting your blogs and writing about the comings and goings of the Wrights. But sometimes you gotta take a vacay from the computer that sucks you into its vortex and never lets you out...

Have a great weekend!!
