
Friday, January 16, 2009

Chin Hair

This is not my chin. But, I do have chin hair. Not hairs - a single chin hair that grows out stiff as a boar's hair. I first noticed it soon after Josh was born. I remember it because, Rosie O'Donnell (used to be a fan, not so much anymore.) had a chin hair that she talked about on her, then, new show. She was growing her one hair out so she could put a bead on it so I decided to do the same thing. Hey, I was at home all day nursing a new baby. I had to find some kind of excitement, right? So, I grew it and grew it. It probably got to 3/4 of an inch when I just couldn't take it any longer and plucked that sucker right out of there. It comes back every now and then. I don't let it stay very long.

Why am I talking about my one random chin hair??

Because I shaved my legs today. (Private note to Richard, the Cutest Boy On The Block, - Honey, I shaved my legs **wink wink**) And, I had been having an un-official contest with myself to see how long I could let my leg hairs get. You must first know that the hair on my legs grow at warp speed. I shave, I sneeze, I have instant stubble. The Cutest Boy On The Block never complains about my legs. I always complain about his stubble - but he, obviously, is much more tolerant than I. And it is -50 degrees here so there really isn't much leg showing these days. That's how I was able to have this secret contest.

Today was shaving day. Why today? Don't know. But, I bet those hairs were almost 1/2 inch long!!! Ewwwwwwwww grooooooooosssssssssssss! Yet, kinda interesting at the same time!! I had to do the double passover on some spots. One more thing to add to my "I'm Thankful For..." list - Skintimates Shaving Gel. (I think it was already on there!! Now I'm REALLY thankful!!)

All this to's been a slow news day here in The Great Adventure!! Maybe I should have talked about that plane crash in NY...

Over and out,


1 comment:

Growin' With It said...