Describe me?? Here goes...Wife to Richard, Mom to Patrick (26), Brandon (25), Joshua (17), and Roman (14), Mimi to Olivia (2 1/2 months) soccer mom all the time, drama mama sometimes, PPA volunteer, substitute teacher, registered nurse (currently voluntarily unemployed - thanks, honey), SAHM that never SAH's, rockstar wannabe, paper crafter (ooh - that sounds fancy!), reality TV junkie, David Beckham's secret girlfriend and, of course, Jesus-freak. I *heart* my life and the fantabulous adventure that it is!
FYI...That sign u posted is the official 'home school my kids' sign. ;)
LOL at m.h.
Patrick is now my friend on faceabook and has even chatted with me....I feel so special. Can't wait to hear all about it!
going about us waiting to hear if P made it thru???? must know soon.
I have felt that way for a whole year....don't know if I'll be coming back soon though!
Agreeing with the other peeps...hoping to hear the words "going to hollywood!" Hannah says we'll be famous if he goes.
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