
Saturday, August 23, 2008

We Did It!

Roman and I made it through our first day of home school!! **party!! streamers!! confetti!!** Being the creative sort that I am (totally not. I was just craving chocolate and lots of it!) I added a subject to our curriculum. Home Ec!! I also needed to get a gift for the teacher - ME - and I knew I would love this. Thanks to everyone for reminding me to get myself a little something! tee hee And, Marla, Canton WOULD be the best gift!!

I saw a chef on the Food Network - love, love, love that channel - fill some cupcakes by using an apple corer to take out the center and then pipe in the filling. How cool is that?

We had to go to the store for some modeling clay for a science experiment we needed to do. Well, we got so busy buying what we needed for cupcakes, we forgot the clay!! Just a little glimpse into my priorities, right?

We made the cupcakes and then filled them with cream cheese frosting and piped on the chocolate frosting on top. We added the star/flower in the center and...............ta dah! Totally impressed all our boys but made it seem like it was a most difficult process. **snicker** Don't want them to think this home schooling business is TOO easy!

Really...our day went very smoothly. It started with a real treat - Hannah "skyped" Roman so they got to talk for about 30 minutes. We finished up right after lunch and just have the science experiment to do on Monday. Roman is a self-starter so she did everything pretty much without my help. Fingers and toes crossed that it will stay like this!!

I've forgotten to update about the Great Church Search! We attended Wildwood last Sunday. We walked in and, except for the chair and carpet color (burgundy), it seemed exactly like EHC. Same-ish stage, trees, praise team, music, etc. The pastor is a teaching pastor. Rock solid. Gives you the Word and then you apply that to your life. That's SO Richard's thing. Me - I like a conversational teacher. Speak to me about a topic, tell me some stories that I can relate to, tell me what the Word says about it, and let me see if that's an area of my life that needs a change. I struggled just a little with that part. But, overall, we liked it and are going back to the early service in the morning. And this might seem like a little thing, but it's only about 10 minutes from my house! Yee haw!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!



Growin' With It said...

i'd be happy just with the plops you took out w/ the apple corer....oh chocolate, i love thee, let me count the ways.

congrats on a great first day and on a great new church...hope ya feel like raisin' those hands tomorrow! yay God!!!

O Fam said...

Those cupcakes look good, I will be expecting some the next time I "drop by" for a visit. Glad to hear about wildwood. Thanks for keeping us posted!

SoonerAggieMom said...

YUM!! Those look fab-u-lous!! Really you took the insides out with an apple corer? You're going to be a wonderful teacher.

Glad to hear you had a good church experience. And I'm totally with you on being only 10 min. away!

Growin' With It said...

what is it with your posting on decadent food and then leaving it up and not posting again for awhile and torturing us so much we can almost SMELL THE FOOD when we stop by?

hope you're having a fabulous week!!!

Mary Morrow said...

i had NOOOO idea there was a private school for 2 days & homeschool for 2 days sorta school out there.... can you please email me or call me to tell me more???
tomorrows _ memories at sbc . global . net
i am totally spazzing in the most hideous way ever about school this year now that i'll have 3 students!!! (emma begins kindergarten - isn't that sweet *snicker*)

and you're trying out a new church?!?!?! so are we!!!
i've never heard of this one. we've visited christ family a few times and are lovin' it!

maybe we can do coffee sometime soon to catch up???