
Saturday, August 16, 2008

One down, one to go.

The worst day of my life is over. The first day of 7th grade for my I-can't-believe-he's-not-still-4-years-old Joshy Squashy. I survived. And, so did he.
Actually he did better than survive - he LOVED it. He said it was so much better than elementary school. He didn't get lost one time. He ate lunch. (no bully took his lunch money!!) He has a ton of friends in all his classes and lunch with most of his group of friends. He likes all his teachers. And he got a girlfriend - a cheerleader. (he doesn't know that I know about this one and I'm trying to play it cool.)
This is our traditional first day of school picture - in front of the fireplace with the backpack on. 'Cept usually the child has on their "cutest" back-to-school outfit - not the football practice t-shirt that "everyone" (the whole team) was wearing that day. Oh well - the shoes are cute! tee hee
Now, I just have to get Roman back to school next Thursday. She's starting at a new school that provides a classical, Christian education with a blended model of private school two days and home school two days. Yep - that's right. I said home school. (Please refer back to the posts where I've mentioned that I've lost my mind.) Won't that provide plenty of blogging topics!!
Right now, we're off to birthday parties, some sleepovers for the little kids and a hot date night for Richard and me. (Well....except he has an indoor soccer game at 8:15 pm) So I guess most of my hot date will be in the stands with some nachos watching my rockstar hubby on the field! Sounds perfect!
Here's the verse the Lord has given me this week to pray over my children:
Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. The Lord has made everything for its own pupose. Proverbs 16:3-4a
Ciao bella,


Growin' With It said...

i love that verse it! 7th grade...oh my heart. ours back here is 6th in middle school, so that means i only have 2years left instead of 3. boo hoo.

which school is your cute girl at? and i know without a DOUBT that her mama is an awesome teacher. way to go girl.

happy "back to school" to you all while we enjoy the sunshine for 2 1/2 more weeks. naa naa nee naa naa!

SoonerAggieMom said...

Oh the first day of 7th grade. At least he has lunch with his friends! That's the most important part. Think of all the blogging material you'll have for us now.

Home school? You're my hero.