
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I should be cleaning...

but instead, I am drooling over my first-day-of-school present to myself!! Aren't these some kickin' shoes??? (uh oh. I just noticed that I uploaded the same picture of just one shoe. You get the idea, right? The other one looks just like it 'cept it goes on the other foot! bwahahahahahaha)

I love them. I really, really do. And first thing Thursday morning, I'll be returning them!

Why return these fabulous Cinderalla-ish shoes with clear heels and bling on each strap? Because they are SOOOOO not me. They are the me I think about being sometimes. The me that throws on a cute pair of cropped pants, a trendy shirt and these puppies and heads out to shop the day away after meeting my husband for lunch at Deep Fork Grill. I would probably even take my hair out of the pony and wear a lot of make up.

I think about that girl that lives inside me. Does she want me to get out of my flip flops and t-shirts? Maybe buy a top that doesn't have a hood? (what can I say? I love a hooded shirt.) Maybe wear something that needs to be tucked in?

I've always thought that being a nurse was the death of my fashion sense. How fabulous is it to work in scrubs - that are basically pajamas - and a great pair of New Balance running shoes? I see women all around me dressed beautifully even when they are in the carpool line or at Walmart.

Not me. I am about casual comfort. White fitted t-shirt and khaki shorts and flip flops. And I'm happy with that. Because I spent too many years trying to be something I'm not. And life is too short to pretend. And because the God of all creation calls me His own.

Here's a shout out to my Bunco peeps because when we get together, we don't pretend. We tell it like it is and laugh at each other and with each other. We fight hard to get a prize and don't apologize when we win in a roll off. We eat like real women - not birds. We grill the single chicks about their dating lives and remind them not to settle for less than they deserve. We don't judge each other when we've just come from yelling at our children and/or husbands but the room gets very quiet when the talk turns to - let's just say - fun topics. And it always turns to fun topics.

I love those girls.

And when I return my cute shoes, maybe I'll go to Old Navy and get a pair of flip flops that are really me!!

Remembering when we used to call flip flops "thongs,"



Growin' With It said...

ahem...what does richard think? he just might like these shoes on you....*and nothin' else*....yep, i just said that! shame on me!

you my girl have always been R-E-A-L and that is reason #101 why i love you!
glass slipper or not.

O Fam said...

Awwww.....bunco......I miss you guys. Great post. you should come here, all the ladies wear heals and dresses every, flops and shorts....this is why I love you!!!

SoonerAggieMom said...

How did you steal my post?

About bunco...down here, they have a bizarre rule that when a bunco is rolled, all our peeps try to grab the dice at the same time. Broken nails, blood, it doesn't matter. You get points for how many die you end up with even if it means stealing them from your neighbor!
