
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things I Would Show You...

...if I only had my camera:

**Josh, Jake and Zach making wallets out of every color of duct tape they can get their hands on. Seriously funny. They are selling them at school and have already made $18 in profit. Gotta love entrepeneurs!
**All the half-filled boxes in my house. Aye yi yi.
**Max The Dog laying on his back enjoying the 75-degree day we had today.
**Pictures of Josh's team getting their 2nd place trophy at the Wichita tournament.
**Roman's fort made out of her sheet, chair and armoire because that's all she has in her room right now!
**The front page of The Daily Oklahoman with Roman's all-state choir singing at the state capital.
**A boy passing out while singing at the state capital. (I wouldn't really take a picture of that, would I?)
**A bazillion puppies at the pet store in Wichita that Josh and I REALLY wanted to bring home with us!

But since my camera decided to stay for a little vacay in Kansas, I will share this fabulous photo - again taken by Tod M and umph'ed up by him - of my soccer SUPAH STAR daughter!
It was 25 degrees when she played her first game of the tournament Saturday morning in MWC. The conditions were only worse for Josh when it was 15 degrees for his first game - but, yippee, they delayed that game until it was 22 degrees. Thanks a lot! I have never been so cold in my l.i.f.e.!

But - good news! It will be 80 degrees for Josh's game this weekend! You know what they say about the weather in Oklahoma, right? If you don't like it, just wait 5 minutes and it will change!

Peace, love and Propel,


p.s. Roman's team won their tournament! Go Cosmos 99's!!


Anonymous said...

What great mental pictures!

Shauna said...

I am new here! What a great blog :)

Growin' With It said...

i was rummaging thru old pictures yesterday (trying to get organized..ya right!) anyways, i found some of d's BRIEF soccer season w/ the great mrs. Wright as his coach and that cute little blonde that is in our sights as a DIL! look how she's grown!

StephieAnne said...

Oh, the sorrow of moments lost from the camera's lens.....but your word descriptions are excellent. Still don't know how you are managing that crazy life of yours - I hope for an abundance of relaxation in the near future for you!

O Fam said..., as I perused your blog I saw the pic before I started reading and thought, "wonder who that famous soccer player is" or "that must be some super college girl soccer star". WHAT??? Roman looks like such a pro in the pic. All grown up!!