
Monday, June 23, 2008

Our Babies Are Getting So Big

Aren't they SO sweet??? Our cat, Blackjack, certainly thinks so and would like to find out for himself!!

These baby swallows live up in the corner of our
back porch. I **think** they are about 10 days
old and are finally getting fuzzy feathers. (They weren't so cute when they were just slick little things.) I can see them from my chair in the living room and check on them all the time.

When we sit on the backporch, the mommy and daddy (I'm guessing!) just fly around all the time even though I tell them it's OK to go up and check on the kids. *wink*

I'm just worried they are outgrowing that teeny tiny nest.... and soon they'll leave.....and I'll have empty nest syndrome!

Do you want to see what their parents leave for us every day on the concrete directly below these sweet babies??? I didn't think so!!



1 comment:

Mary Morrow said...

sweet baby birdies. :)
you cracked me up with the "empty next syndrome" bit. HA!

have a fantabulous week my dear!