
Saturday, June 28, 2008

And The Tony Goes To...

Sometimes - lots of times, really - I wonder where my daughter's passion for singing and performing will take her. I am quite willing to admit that as her mom, I am completely biased and cannot possibly be objective about her talent. I do know that when she's on that stage and singing her heart out, she is having the best time of her life. And we enjoy every minute right along with her.

Roman just finished a two-week musical theater camp and had her last performance tonight. She got to play Annie Oakley which she L*O*V*E*D because she got to shoot a gun, wear a shiny pink shirt and talk like she was from the deep south!

It was a fun show to watch and I just want to say thanks again to our family and friends that came to watch.

I have to go now.............I think Hollywood's calling! *wink*


The Stage Momma

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