
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Can Your Dust Bunnies Do This?

I know this appears to be some sort of magic or illusion that might be performed by Houdini himself
It's just a piece of plastic wrap suspended in mid-air by the power of..........trumpet sounds here........dust bunnies!

This post brought to you by the Cutest Boy on the Block who thought this blog-worthy. Funny thing is I left this there for a few weeks cuz it cracked us up! It's the little things in life, right?

Another slow news day in the rain-soaked heartland!

B. - who would like to see the sun shine!


StephieAnne said...

We're getting a ton of rain here - the forecast shows potential relief on Friday......I will survive (I think!)

O Fam said...

so what and where was this located?